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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hear the voice of our pleading

Creation groaning,
hearts cry out,
pain, cares, woes,
sobbing, wailing,
hopeless, helpless,
looking ...
waiting ...


The earth waits,
I wait.
Waiting no longer,
I act.
You've answered.

I wrote this poem in response to a time of meditation during a prayer event that my friend Steven Burleson held at Hope Church. We were combining art and an ancient Bible meditative practice known as Lectio Divina. As I was meditating on the word "voice of my pleading" my heart was drawn to the pain of the world. When we look around it seems as if God is not answering the voice of our pleading. Silence seems, too often, to be the response. We say that God answers our prayers, but sometime the answer is no or wait. Sometimes his answer is silence. Maybe when we cannot stand the silence any longer we will hear his simple call to act. could we be God's answer to our pleadings?

For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. Romans 8:19

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